
MAAA Members’ Small Grant Projects

Author: Mira Bekar

Improving the Career Development Skills of the Young Population
Project managers: Katerina Toševska, Dragana Gjoreska, Sanja Šankovska

MAAA alumni members Katerina Toševska-Trpčevska, Dragana Gjoreska and Sanja Šankovska have implemented a small grants project titled “Improving the career development skills of the young population”, during the period April 1-30, 2023. The project included three workshops with 15 pupils from the Highschool “Vasil Antevski Dren”, 15 pupils from the Highschool “Orce Nikolov” and 10 students from the Faculty of Economics – Skopje, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, R. N. Macedonia. During the workshops the students prepared CVs, wrote motivation letters and did simulations of interviews for scholarship and for job applications. The workshops aimed to help students develop and improve their necessary skills for the employability process, conquer their desired job position and start developing their career paths.


Scientific Club in Molecular Nutrition
Project manager: Tatjana Ruškovska

The Scientific Club in Molecular Nutrition is a small grant project, whose aim is to promote extracurricular activities among students from the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Goce Delčev University, Štip, R. N. Macedonia. So far, a seminar on the topic “Molecular Aspects of Nutrition” was held, which included a lecture by Professor Ruškovska as well as presentations by students which they prepared under her mentorship. During the lecture, Professor Ruškovska discussed her previous and current scientific research, as well as the prospects of molecular nutrition. The students from the Faculty of Medical Sciences participated in the seminar with great enthusiasm and interest. According to their feedback, the seminar was a true refreshment after the long pandemic and provided them with an opportunity to delve deeply into the molecular mechanisms of action of various nutrients and food bioactives. More information about the seminar can be found on the website of the Goce Delčev University, "Molekularni aspekti na ishrana" and Seminar.

The next major activity of this small grant project is scheduled for the next semester during which a workshop on bioinformatic analyses of genomic data will be organized.


“The Green Up” project
Project manager: Marina Toševska

“The Green Up” project aims to raise awareness and strengthen the necessary knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes of young people to develop and support green entrepreneurship for sustainable and resource-efficient society. Two workshops for green entrepreneurship took place in collaboration with the Municipal High School “Orde Čopela” – Prilep. Students Improved their knowledge about the green economy and green entrepreneurship, and became more aware of the importance of creating and implementing solutions to environmental problems. The project will have a positive impact on socially conscious and environmentally friendly young generations who will promote a sustainable lifestyle, adopt environmentally friendly practices, and lead social and environmental initiatives. Young people prepared a video as a call for their peers to contribute to the green economy and GREEN UP the community.


The Dangers of Propaganda and Disinformation in Today’s World
Project managers: Aleksandar Nacev and Zlatko Dimovski


The main goal of the project titled “The Dangers of Propaganda and Disinformation in Today’s World” aims to help in understanding the complexity of tools used to manipulate public opinion and affect political, social and business environment in different countries. Through a workshop with students from the Faculty of Security, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University  and the Faculty of Detectives and Criminalistics, European University, the lecturers, Dr. Aleksandar Nacev and Dr. Zlatko Dimovski explained to the students-attendees why young people across different countries are so susceptible to disinformation and propaganda, and how they can develop resilience towards them. The participants were also presented with materials concerning the issue of Hybrid warfare.


Film, Theatre and Debate Club
Project manager: Mira Bekar

The main purpose of the project done in collaboration with the students from the Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology is enrichment of student cultural lives at the Faculty of Philology, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. The project is a mixture of entertainment and learning and the focus is on encouraging and motivating students to connect culture with their studies in language and literature, as well as to produce culture and use it more as future teachers. Participants have been provided with space to watch films, prepare theatrical performances, and have discussions. Young artists and researchers are being promoted in front of the student audience, as well as re-known local artists and international scholars who research the connections of film and theatre with other disciplines. Gjorce Stavreski, a young director of films, documentaries who also works as a screenwriter and Sara Klimoska, the talented and very successful young actress, who works both in theatre and on film were the first two guests. Movie nights are open to every student and professor and will resume at the beginning of the new academic year.


Sexual harassment at universities
Project manager: Angelina Stojanoska

The aim of this project was to improve students’ knowledge and help them understand the meaning of sexual harassment and its forms, as well as to recognize sexual harassment when it is happening. Two one-day workshops with students were organized, one in Štip and one in Bitola, where students were working on case studies. Educating students about such phenomena is an important step towards building a new set of social values, making females stronger in their life trajectories, and males more perceptive in recognizing the importance of gender balance, and the unacceptance of sexist language and sexually deviant behavior. Learning how to detect certain behavior also means learning how not to act, which is another important step in preventing sexual harassment and changing the pattern of human behavior.




Igniting Youth: Empowering Event Sparks Freelancing for US Companies
Project manager: Monika Rizovska


April 12, 2023 marked a groundbreaking moment at "Dobri Daskalov" High School in Kavadarci, as an electrifying event unfolded, igniting a fire within young minds (aged 14-25) to embark on a practical freelancing journey for esteemed US companies. The visionaries behind this transformative gathering, Dančo Dimkov, Aleksandar Spasov, and Monika Rizovska Tanevska, orchestrated an awe-inspiring lineup of speakers who unleashed a torrent of insights and shared their firsthand experiences in the world of freelancing. Amidst the spotlight, Upwork, a pioneering freelance platform for securing coveted projects, emerged. This occasion delved deep into the nuances of cultural disparities between North Macedonia and the USA, shedding light on the uncharted possibilities that lie ahead. As the local high school rallied behind this initiative, coupled with an unstoppable wave of social media promotion, the impact on these ambitious students is set to be nothing short of extraordinary. This event aspires to mold the professional trajectories of these bright souls, empowering them to soar to new heights in their chosen careers. Brace yourselves for a paradigm shift as the seeds of freelance success are sown among the young dreamers of Kavadarci.

Link towards the session outcome: Youtube


CBT & Neuroscience Hub
Project manager: Lenče Miloševa

This small project is based on the scientific grounds of CBT as a “golden standard“ in Psychotherapy named “The Youth Mental Health Project: Understanding and Supporting Youth Mental Health Through the Lens of CBT (Cognitive-behavioral therapy) and Neuroscience”. In collaboration with the Student Medical Organization of Medical Students (SOMA), especially with graduate and Ph.D students and its president Stefan Mišovski, various extracurricular activities were organized to break the stigma around mental health and raise awareness for it and the well-being as well as to provide psychoeducation and development of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills among the community members who cope with mental health difficulties.


The focus was on encouraging young people to be active society members and contribute to everybody’s well-being. „CBT & Neuroscience Hub“ was established at the Goce Delčev University – Štip with Stefan Mišovski and the organizational board: Leona Stojanovska and Marija Minova. The Hub welcomed all interested students, professors, assistants, and youth who would like to contribute to multidisciplinary fields of Neuroscience, especially in CBT Psychotherapy, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, and Psychopathology. Different scientific activities were organized in order to empower universities, families, and communities to act with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to support the mental health and well-being of the youth. On April 7, 2023 celebrating the Day of World Health and the Day of CBT, an online webinar was held on the topic “Eating disorders and efficacy of the CBT/REBT Psychotherapy treatment.” Over 200 young people attended the event on the Microsoft Teams platform. On May 19, 2023 with the students from the Faculty of Medical Sciences, UGD, another online webinar titled “Mindfulness integrated in CBT/REBT therapeutic treatment of anxiety among youth” was held.

Links to events: Lecture | Webinar


Creative Digital Hub in Bosilovo
Project manager: Suzana Trajkovska 

On June 23, 2023 a creative digital hub event was held in Bosilovo, Strumica. The event was attended by participants from Bosilovo, Poraka in Strimica, Valandovo and from the Association of Handcraft Workers, Bitola, who created a memorable atmosphere.


Tradition and modern trends in art and design aligned. The trainers and lecturers Aleksandra Karakamiševa, Oksana Babynetska, Maria Bandulova, Aleksandar Kočankovski, and Suzana Trajkovska Kočankovska presented examples of new digital tools and techniques. The participants had the chance to explore and apply the latest technologies, which gave a new dimension of both traditional and modern handcraft art. Unbelievable products and art visions were created. Тhe organizers thank the Mayor of Bosilovo and all the participants, trainers, guests made this event unique and they are looking forward to future opportunities for collective art creations.


Ethics in scientific writing and publishing in biomedicine and related fields
Project manager: Dončo Donev

On June 15, 2023, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, the 3rd MAAA-MAME Workshop for young scientists on scientific and publishing ethics and writing scientific papers, jointly organized by the Macedonian American Alumni Association and the Macedonian Association of Medical Editors, was successfully held with a total of 27 enthusiastic participants and 4 lecturers - 2 members of MAME, Prof.Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski and Prof.Dr. Emilia Šukarova Stefanovska, and two members of MAAA, Prof.Dr. Zorica Trajkova Strezovska and Prof.Dr. Bashkim Ziberi. The workshop was organized and coordinated by Prof. Dončo Donev, who also participated as a lecturer. Ms. Irena Popovska, Secretary General of MAAA, was invited to welcome the participants and explain the aims of the workshop. Logistical support was provided by Nenad Stojchevski, MAAA Project Assistant, Monika Spancheska from the American Corner and Prof. Vladimir Trajkovski, Secretary General of MAME. The aim of this workshop was to familiarize participants with the following topics: 1. Principles of scientific communication, ethics in scientific work and publishing, and structure and preparation of a scientific paper; 2. Submitting a "manuscript" for publication in a peer-reviewed journal; 3. Review process and decision of the Editor-in-Chief; 4. Authorship issue, criteria and responsibility for fair distribution of authorship; 5. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism, multiple and redundant publications; 6. Critical reading and review of a manuscript intended for publication; 7. Open access and electronic publishing; 8. How to recognize and avoid predatory publishers and predatory journals. At the end of the workshop, all participants and lecturers were awarded with certificates. They expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to attend this educational and interactive workshop and suggested organizing similar workshops in the future with more young researchers participating.
