US State Department's Exchange Programs and Grants

Dear alumni and friends,
US Department of State offers number of exchange programs and grant opportunities for their huge alumni network worldwide and for new, potential candidates, excelling in their fields of study and work, as future ambassadors of the American culture in their home countries.

Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF)

IThe time is now, MAAA members! This year's call for 2018 alumni project proposals for the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF) opens on Thursday, March 1, 2018!

Since 2011, Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF) offers small grants to teams of past and current participants of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs to carry out public service projects, using the competence and knowledge they had obtained during their exchange programs; so far this fund has supported more than 360 alumni-led initiatives, all of which have been objectified into projects, reaching millions of people worldwide (both directly through trainings, workshops, and indirectly, through various campaigns or leadership and support programs). In 2017, the State Department awarded 68 grants of up to $25,000 to alumni teams around the world to support their innovation projects in various areas, such as fostering economic prosperity, building civic participation, good governance and resilient communities; advancing science, technology, health and innovation; promoting inclusion and educational opportunity; and empowering women and girls. The trend of granting funds for such projects continues this year as well.

Eligible candidates for application are all verified alumni members of the International Exchange Alumni (IEA) global online community, including alumni from the Republic of Macedonia, who are part of teams of at least three IEA community members (this number includes the team leader) and who can offer novel, fresh ideas and projects through which, they would as well implement and disseminate the knowledge gained as the US State Department's program grant recipients in a form of a public, community service. In order to successfully submit their proposal, the interested candidates must fill out the entire online form and attach the budget form.

More information related to AEIF application on: As for the educational exchange programs administered by the U.S. Embassy in Republic of Macedonia, here is a full list of scholarships offered, along with the links for more information and application forms:

Educational Exchange Scholarships

Fulbright Foreign Student Program in the United States for Citizens of Macedonia he Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals, and artists from abroad to research and study in the United States for one year or longer at U.S. universities or other appropriate institutions. To participate in the Fulbright Foreign Student Program, the applicant must have completed undergraduate education and hold a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree. For additional information about this program, please visit: or

The deadline for receipt of applications is May 31, 2018.

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD)

Global UGRAD, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, provides scholarships for an academic semester of undergraduate, non-degree study in the United States. Global UGRAD is a substantive exchange program designed to expose students to the U.S. educational system, society, and culture. Program objectives are to provide a fulfilling exchange experience to drive academic, cross-cultural, and leadership competencies for students from Global UGRAD countries; to enhance students’ academic knowledge and professional skills needed to pursue long-term academic and career goals; to cultivate students’ comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the United States; to facilitate opportunities for students to establish social networks with U.S. host institutions and local communities; and to empower students to engage constructively in the civic life of their local and global communities. For additional information please visit:

Study of the United States Institutes (SUSI)

Study of the United States Institutes (SUSI) are six-week, intensive, post-graduate academic programs with integrated study tours whose purpose is to provide foreign university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their understanding of American society, culture, and institutions. Foreign university faculty, secondary educators, and other scholars spend approximately four weeks at host universities where they take part in a series of lectures, seminar discussions, and site visits related to each institute’s theme. Participants spend the remaining two weeks on a study tour, which complements the academic program and includes visits to sites of interest in another geographic region of the country. Each institute concludes with several days of meetings and related study in Washington, DC. For additional information about this program, please visit: or

Community Solutions Program

The Community Solutions Program is a professional development program for the best and brightest global community leaders working in transparency and accountability, tolerance/conflict resolution, environmental issues, and women’s issues. Selected candidates will participate in a four-month U.S. fellowship with a local nonprofit organization or government agency; structured virtual learning and networking via the Online Community Leadership Institute; and the design and implementation of follow-on projects in their home countries. Additional information for the Community Solutions Program is available online at:

Alfred Friendly Press Partners Fellowship

The fellowship program begins in mid-March with a three-week orientation and training seminar at the Missouri School of Journalism in Columbia, Missouri designed to prepare the fellows – both personally and professionally – for the challenges of living and working in the United States. Participants will be placed in U.S. newsrooms for six weeks for professional internships. A final seminar allows them to compare and evaluate their experiences and discuss their impressions of the American media, and to learn and practice presentations to make in their home countries to share what they’ve learned with colleagues. After participants return to Macedonia, they will be mentored by virtual trainers during the summer to help them complete an innovative media project. Further information, including eligibility criteria, can also be found online at:

Youth Exchange and Study (YES Program)

The program is funded through the U.S. Department of State and sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs to provide scholarships for high school students. Students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures. For further information, please refer to: or or email Zdenka Nikolovska, Hub Coordinator, American Councils for International Education at: [email protected].


MAAA © 2018
ISSUE 1, 2018
