Future steps after joining NATO
On 30th December 2019, an event entitled “Future steps after joining NATO” was organized by
MAAA and the Union of European Federalists in North Macedonia. The main focus of the
discussion was the proposal by Mr. Elmas Hasanovićto establish a NATO Center of Excellence,
or regional center for crisis response in North Macedonia. Five speakers took part in the
event: Mr. Elmas Hasanović, Program Coordinator of the Info Center for Euro-Atlantic
integrations and a Fulbright alumni, Mr. Zećir Ramčilović, a MP and Vice-President of the
Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Pavle Trajanov, a National Coordinator for
Crises Management, Mr. Petar Bogojevski, President of the Union of European Federalists in
North Macedonia and Mr. Rizvan Sulejmani, a Vice Rector of Univeristy Mother Theresa in
Skopje. They all stated their opinions about the directions in which the Republic of North
Macedonia should move after joining NATO.
Mr. Zećir Ramčilović stressed out that all political parties should be very constructive in
this extremely sensitive period for the country. According to him the Republic of North
Macedoniahas a unique chance to independently decide about its future and should be focused
more on developing further plans and steps after joining NATO rather than on playing
political games with certain blockades in the Parliament. The National Coordinator for
Crises Management, Mr. Pavle Trajanov, spoke about the need for urgent reforms in the areas of
security, judiciary and the crisis management system and emphasized that the country should
put more efforts in the fightagainst crime, particularly the corruption. After that, the
President of the Union of European Federalists in Macedonia, Mr. Petar Bogojevski, spoke
about the benefits of joining NATO and pointed out that the core issue the country should
focus on for a more successful integration in NATO is the process of professionalization of
the army and the administration as whole. Further more, Mr. Sulejmani spoke about the need for
the government to decide and evaluate what their main aim is as a NATO member state, and he
stated that a strict and effective check and balance control in the state apparatus is what
the country urgently needs. Finally, Mr. Elmas Hasanović spoke about the great need for
establishing a NATO Center of Excellence for Crisis Response in North Macedonia and gave
several reasons for that. According to Hasanović, the country is not able to independently
deal with natural disasters on a larger scale, as it was the case with the floods in 2016,
or the large fires, which were mostly set on purpose almost regularly in the past few years
and affected a great part of the country’s territory and put in danger the lives and
property of the citizens.

“Many Balkan countries are unable to deal with natural disasters on their own. According to
the International Disaster Database, over 3,000,000 people were affected between 2007 and
2017, and about 770 people lost their lives. More precisely, several devastating earthquakes
have occurred in Albania since 2007 to date, there were devastating floods in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Greece, storms in Romania, Slovenia and Croatia, as well as
extreme temperatures which affected the entire Balkan Peninsula. The material damage caused
by natural disasters in this period was estimated to be more than $8 billion. For
illustration, from 2007 to 2017, the material damage in Greece amounted to US $2.4 billion,
in Serbia US $2.2 billion, in Romania 1, $2 billion, in Bulgaria about $950 million, in
Bosnia and Herzegovina $500 million, and in North Macedonia approximately $150 million. Most
of the Balkan countries, including North Macedonia, have small budgets and have limited
resources to deal effectively with large-scale natural disasters”, Hasanović added.

According to Hasanović, previous experiences of dealing with natural disasters on the
Balkans have shown that the common denominator for all the Balkan countries was solidarity,
i.e. the assistance (material and non-material) provided at the most critical times. Hence,
he pointed out that the needit is more than necessary that the country establishes such a
center and it is in line with the NATO Alliance's goals - shared values and solidarity.
Solidarity within the Alliance, both in the political and military spheres, a guarantee that
no ally is forced to rely solely on its own national efforts to tackle basic security
challenges. The main aspect of this center would be the first responder teams, which will be
ready to deploy 24/7.Besides NATO, Hasanović stated that the CoE’s goals are in line with
the EU’s foreign security and defense policy and its commitments to establish rapid reaction
In the next part of his extensive talk, he mentioned numerous benefits from such a center.
According to Mr. Hasanović “one of them is the creation of a modern, specialized and equipped
center for crisis management. With this the life and safety of the citizens will be put
above all priorities. This center will be a firm guarantee that citizens can feel safe and
secure in any situation. It will promote state interests and international positioning. In
addition, the NATO Center will have a positive impact on the local economy. There will be
open opportunities for domestic companies to supply the needs of the center, and there will
be employment opportunities for local people. In addition, companies which function in the
field of hospitality and real estate will have economic benefits too, from which the state
will generate income by collecting various taxes. Last but not least, the cooperation among
allies will strengthen the cohesion and unity in the Alliance. Such a center, through direct
cooperation and joint action in crisis situations, will have a positive impact on reducing
political tensions, ethnic intolerance and cultural differences between nations on the
Balkans. This, in turn, will contribute to lasting reconciliation, peace and stability.”
All speakers expressed their support of the initiative for establishing such a center in the
country, and offered their expertise and assistance in its further development and
Written by Angela Dimitrovska