Motivation, inspiration, support! Academy for Women Entrepreneurs nears end!




December 22nd, 2023

Motivation, inspiration, support.... These were the three guiding topics for one of the last events in the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs at Startup Center Skopje. In front of the present participants of the Academy and members of MAAA, our members professor Dr. Marina Nacka, Ljubica Angelkova and Vesna Ivanoska gave inspiring presentations, for which we thank them very much.

Professor Nacka from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food spoke about the key motivational forces of women in business including women working in agriculture. The motivation of women to work and create value is at a high level worldwide and she encouraged them to never give up on their dreams. Angelkova, a journalist and PR expert, spoke about the necessity of telling one's authentic stories as the strongest marketing tool and the need for branding one's products and services as a prerequisite for market success. Vesna Ivanoska, who has been in a managerial position at Qinshift Academy for 15 years, explained the challenges that every manager has on a daily basis, especially when difficult decisions have to be made, but she also talked about the advantages and qualities that women have in this position.

The Academy for Women-Entrepreneurs is a global program for women who want to start a business, which is implemented according to a hybrid program. In our country, about 40 women are involved in it. The program is supported by the US Embassy in our country, and implemented by MAAA.

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